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Descargar Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology) de Sorin Dr?ghici PDF ePub

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Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology) de Sorin Dr?ghici

Descripción - Críticas 'I really like Draghici's book. The biology and statistics are kept at a good level for the intended audience. Anyone who uses microarray data should certainly own a copy.' - Technometrics, February 2005, Vol. 47, No. 1 'The book by Draghici is an excellent choice to be used as a textbook for a graduate level bioinformatics course. This well-written book with two accompanying CD-ROMs will create much needed enthusiasm among statisticians.' -Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol 74 'I really like Draghici's book. As the author explains in the Preface, the book is intended to serve both the statistician who knows very little about DNA microarrays and the biologist who has no expertise in data analysis. The author lays out a study plan for the statistician that excludes 5 of the 17 chapters (4-8). These chapters present the basics of statistical distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, and experimental design. What that leaves for the statistician is the three-chapter primer on microarrays and image processing, plus all of the data analysis tools specific to the microarray situation. 'The softcover book is reasonably priced, and it includes two CDs with trial versions of several specialised software packages. Anyone who uses microarray data should certainly own a copy.' -Technometrics Reseña del editor Technology today allows the collection of biological information at an unprecedented level of detail and in increasingly vast quantities. To reap real knowledge from the mountains of data produced, however, requires interdisciplinary skills-a background not only in biology but also in computer science and the tools and techniques of data analysis.To help meet the challenges of DNA research, Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays builds the foundation in the statistics and data analysis tools needed by biologists and provides the overview of microarrays needed by computer scientists. It first presents the basics of microarray technology and more importantly, the specific problems the technology poses from the data analysis perspective. It then introduces the fundamentals of statistics and the details of the techniques most commonly used to analyze microarray data. The final chapter focuses on commercial applications with sections exploring various software packages from BioDiscovery, Insightful, SAS, and Spotfire. The book is richly illustrated with more than 230 figures in full color and comes with a CD-ROM containing full-feature trial versions of software for image analysis (ImaGene, BioDiscovery Inc.) and data analysis (GeneSight, BioDiscovery Inc. and S-Plus Array Analyzer, Insightful Inc.).Written in simple language and illustrated in full color, Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays lowers the communication barrier between life scientists and analytical scientists. It prepares those charged with analyzing microarray data to make informed choices about the techniques to use in a given situation and contribute to further advances in the field.

statistics and data analysis for microarrays 配送商品ならstatistics and data analysis for microarrays using r and bioconductor chapman amp hallcrc computational biology seriesが通常配送無料更にならポイント還元本が多数drăghici, sorin作品ほかお急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能 Microarray data analysis thermo fisher scientific us we provide a variety of tools, resources, analysis files, and sample data to support planning and execution of your microarray experiment the links below provides access to genechip resources and library files for the processing of arrays on a genechip microarray system Data analysis tools for dna microarrays book, 2003 get this from a library data analysis tools for dna microarrays sorin drăghici data analysis tools for dna microarrays builds the foundation in the statistics and data analysis tools needed by biologists and provides the overview of microarrays needed by computer scientists

Dna microarray wikipedia a dna microarray also commonly known as dna chip or biochip is a collection of microscopic dna spots attached to a solid surfacescientists use dna microarrays to measure the expression levels of large numbers of genes simultaneously or to genotype multiple regions of a genome each dna spot contains picomoles 10 12 moles of a specific dna sequence, known as probes or reporters or oligos Chip de adn wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre un chip de adn del inglés dna microarray es una superficie sólida a la cual se une una colección de fragmentos de adnlas superficies empleadas para fijar el adn son muy variables y pueden ser de vidrio, plástico e incluso de silicona los chips de adn se usan para analizar la expresión diferencial de genes, y se monitorizan de manera simultánea los niveles de miles de ellos Exploration and analysis of dna microarray and protein exploration and analysis of dna microarray and protein array data answers the need for a comprehensive, cuttingedge overview of this important and emerging field the authors, seasoned researchers with extensive experience in both industry and academia, effectively outline all phases of this revolutionary analytical technique, from the preprocessing to the analysis stage

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology)
  • Autor: Sorin Dr?ghici
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
  • Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

[Download] Data Analysis Tools for DNA Microarrays (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology) de Sorin Dr?ghici Libros Gratis en EPUB

Lecture 2 dna microarray overview talks dr martin tompa, uw tools for prediction of regulatory elements in microbial genes combi seminar wed 106 130, k069 cse seminar tue 1012 330, ee105 dr michal linial, hebrew university, the protein family tree making biological sense from sequence Data analysis tools and methods for dna microarray and data analysis are considered together in order to ensure coherent handling of the data throughout the analysis as the number of data sets produced is growing fast, there is also an increasing need for tools that can be used by the biological researchers themselves who may not have a strong statistical or computational background Dna microarrays types, applications and their future with the exception of dna sequencing, microarrays were perhaps the earliest technology that allowed biologists to vast amounts of complex digital data as the technology came into use, it rapidly became apparent that in order for others to be able to reproduce a given microarray experiment a detailed description of the array, the sample, the protocols and the data analysis methods needed to be

Contenidos del curso ub introducción a los microarrays de dna tipos de microarrays análisis exploratorio de datos de microarrays control de calidad preproceado de los datos filtrado y normalización selección de genes diferencialmente expresados contrastes de hipótesis aplicados a la comparación de niveles de expresión el problema de las comparaciones Microarray data analysis and mining tools keywords microarrays, gene expression, microarray data analysis, bioinformatics tools background microarray is one such technology which enables the researchers to investigate and address issues which were once thought to be non traceable by facilitating the simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of thousands of genes 1 , 2 Data analysis tools for dna microarrays taylor amp francis technology today allows the collection of biological information at an unprecedented level of detail and in increasingly vast quantities to reap real knowledge from the mountains of data produced, however, requires interdisciplinary skillsa background not only in biology but also in computer science and the tools and techniques of data analysislt

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